I definitely need to put Poor Reds on my schedule next year. Our annual trip to celebrate my mom’s birthday in Sacramento area usually coincides with your trip every year. I was just in Folsom, El Dorado Springs and Roseville. My mom’s birthday is early August so we are usually there just ahead of you. I left Sacramento in 1976 when I joined the military but home has always been where my mom is even though I’ve lived in Kansas City over 25 years My mom is an avid sports fan, so I keep up on KC sports so I can keep up with her. Your blog helps. My mom turned 89 this year. I love reading about your trips home.

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Thank you. If you go to Poor Red's I'd highly recommend the garlic fries. They taste great and also ward off vampires.

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That mother ruse woundn’t work on me. Now, if there was a puppy involved…

More than 14,000 cartoons… damn.

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Good point about the puppy and single guys need to pick up on the high-quality suggestions being offered here. And 14,000 is a low estimate. For decades I'd show my editor 3 ideas so they could "edit" because if I showed them just one they'd try to "fix" it. So now were over 34,000 ideas (maybe 500 of them were actually worth publishing) and remembering what got drawn and what I just sketched is pretty much impossible.

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Memory is overrated.

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Happy birthday to your mom, Lee. Mine would have turned 97 last month.

The minute I saw the word Folsom I heard Johnny Cash ... lmao


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My high school band would practice at my mom's house and her one demand was that we play "Folsom Prison Blues" for her.

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There is another place in Folsom that houses liberal asshats who blindly follow Biden handlers instructions

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If you want a response to your comment read the August 29th post which explains my position and has nine cartoons critical of Joe Biden which apparently you missed so you either need to read more of my stuff or less of my stuff and I'd vote that you stop reading entirely. Why put yourself through something you don't enjoy unless you just like complaining?

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

I may have to pass some of your wisdom about old women's birthdays on to a few of the young construction guys that are working on my house right now... wondering if I volunteer to be the old woman... do I can get a free drink too?

Laughed and shook my head... where the hell does he come up with some of this! (do I really want to know!?) Nice!

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It has been my experience that if you just pay attention Life offers plenty of goofy stuff to write about. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Happy it made you laugh.

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Wow! Happy Birthday to your Mom💕 I like your new political cartons. Thanks💕

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You bet.

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Speaking of Politics-Check out Nikki Haley! I think she is on the right track if we can just get her elected.

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Interesting history of Poor Red's, both before and after creation of the Golden Cadillac. (I guess it's like that awful 12-days Christmas tune - gold-golden: who knows, who cares?) https://the-right-spirit.com/2023/02/14/cocktail-poor-reds-golden-cadillac-histories-in-a-glass/

Thanks for the story.

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Before they expanded Poor Red's used to have the world's smallest dining room and busiest bar so waits of a couple hours were common which was part of the experience and I spent many hours on one of their bar stools and had time to read about the creation of the Gold Cadillac (it's "Gold" not "Golden" and don't feel bad, I had to look it up, too) and you get two glasses when you order one (part of it's popularity) and it's made with Galliano which is the only time I drink that stuff and according to their website most bars can have one bottle of Galliano on their shelf for years, but at Poor Red's a bottle of Galliano lasts about an hour and a half. And by then your ribs should be ready.

Glad you liked the story.

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