Whaddya mean maybe? :p

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What gets me is the hypocrisy of these protestors using the same sort of rhetoric that they make fun of others for using, like "my body my choice." It shows either mind-melting cognitive dissonance or an astronomical conviction that they know what's best for *everybody* at *all times*. ...yes, I think "asshole" may cover that quite nicely, ha.


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What’s your end game? To keep as many humans alive as possible? Why is that goal so important to you? You like citing scientists. What about the scientists that say the planet is overpopulated and that the human element is the number one destructive, murderous source?

Where did you learn this compassion for the billions of people that you don’t know? What percentage of those people are “assholes”? And you are trying to save them, too? Very noble.

Maybe the guys without masks are just trying to do God’s work. The time to try and save lives was maybe 400 years ago when the planet could sustain itself and the other species. Maybe you don’t like animals. I’d venture there are a surprising number of people that would squirm trying to choose between the death of an animal(maybe not even their pet) and an asshole(especially someone they might “know”). But keep on preaching. Social distancing just might result in a healthier planet with even more humans dying. I hear domestic violence is on the rise and that often leads to homicide. And less driving also means fewer road kills.

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