I "dabbled" with only 50% of those illegal substances, but someone to whom I read your description of the cocaine experience said that it is the most accurate description of the experience they've ever heard. So now I know what I missed; thanks.
Sounds like that someone had the same experience and I'm glad they thought I recorded it accurately. Basically, I've come to the conclusion that the buzz you get after a couple drinks is as good as it's ever going to get so stop there. And I'm glad I saved you the expense of finding out what you missed.
I "dabbled" with only 50% of those illegal substances, but someone to whom I read your description of the cocaine experience said that it is the most accurate description of the experience they've ever heard. So now I know what I missed; thanks.
Sounds like that someone had the same experience and I'm glad they thought I recorded it accurately. Basically, I've come to the conclusion that the buzz you get after a couple drinks is as good as it's ever going to get so stop there. And I'm glad I saved you the expense of finding out what you missed.