"By the “what fruit do you bear” yardstick you’d have a hard time convincing me Donald Trump is following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ because if Jesus banged a porn star and then paid her off so the Disciples wouldn’t hear about it, AND THEN WROTE IT OFF AS A POLITICAL EXPENSE WHEN RUNNING FOR PHAROAH, the King James Bible failed to mention it." [Capitalized portion added, obv.]

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Pure Lee with my morning red chile mocha latte which I should spruce up with some “Irish.” Thanks for the reminder.

“You Had to Be There” was going to be the name of my book which I swear I’m going to write after just a few more people die.

No one ties in a baseball to the kidney, Mya Angelou, the Bible, and Irish coffee like you, Lee.

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Lee, I remember this when you did it. I want to say there was a picture taken a few days later and that thing was brutal. There were more colors than a rainbow on your side at the point of impact. Am I remembering that right?

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You need the follow-up video and the bruise. Now that was impressive.

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