The whole stadium situation needs to be thought out. I am willing to support both teams on a proposal that will result in more than lining the pocks of the current ownership. The questions about the current stadiums and the area around them needs to be looked at to see what can be done to meet the needs of the team without threats and misguided proposals like a stadium downtown which would result in a ball park that nobody could attend since there is major limitations such as parking.

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The partner organizations who were the focus of the quiet phase of the campaign sure failed to hold up their end of the bargain on election day. Did they even bother to use the traditional get-out-the-vote playbook, or just assume that the afterglow of the Super Bowl would do the job for them?

They really should have pulled the issue from the ballot after the parade tragedy. The atmospherics were never right from that point on.

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Great column Lee. In regards to The Star and supporting them. I have a digital subscription after being a “paper” subscriber my entire adult life. Hell, I moved to Atlanta for four awful years and still subscribed and got the papers 3-4 days later via USPS in the early 1990’s. Anyway, I quit subscribing to the paper when the Monday morning paper became to light for the delivery person to throw without just blowing away and the Sunday paper become 80% advertisements. And while I’m on my soapbox, $3.00 for the paper at QT is crazy and, last but not least, when one of our local sports teams win a championship could we read about it on a Monday morning rather than Tuesday. It’s unacceptable to see “Late” next to Super Bowl XLVIII Kansas City v. San Francisco in the Monday paper.

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Well, the people have spoken. I found it odd that the YES folks were gathered at J Riegers in the East Bottoms, to celebrate their victory, not at one of the businesses in the Crossroads that supported them. Oh, wait - there wasn’t one.

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"...but when he quit talking about baseball I stopped paying attention." LMFAO Well, looks like the electorate was paying more attention than I would have given them credit for. I'm glad my brain was wrong. I love this post, and while I'm not a huge fan of The Star (former subscriber here), I agree that a subscription is generally better than the nonsense a great many media outlets like to spew. I hope the teams take that deep breath, and come back with something more palatable to most. It certainly can't be any worse than what they just attempted. Well done, Lee.

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A good epistle.

Can you please make sense of the fact that the public has to pay for the palaces for privately owned enterprises? Such a load of infuriating bull patootie as I imagine your son has mentioned.

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